Savio Buonomo

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Savio Buonomo or Wise Dj was born in the province of Naples (Italy ) on 05/21/91. HIs connection with the House Music was born at the age of only 8 listening to a tape of Joe Claussell playing Jaydee - Plastic dreams. Thanks to his uncle he discovered the underground scene such as Masters at Work,Todd Terry, Lil Louis, Frankie Knucles, Dj Spen and so many other big dj's of the global House scene.The first touch of a vinyl dates back to the age of 12, where from there, he began to understand the system and the foundations of the mix.
Growing up he followed also different shades such as minimal, techno and Tech House, but what gave him the real excitement is the pure House Music.
In 2014 he released his first Ep called "Clave" working with his mentor Ferdinando De Micco. From There Gradually he begins also to become a Dj Producer, always Trying to establish himself as a well-known Dj's in this music scene.

Savio Buonomo's debut release "In The Light" together with Tony Loreto will be hitting all stores very soon.
